Sunday, February 12, 2023

Failure what does it really mean ?


What is Failure?

When we search in Dictionary Failure means "lack of success" or "the neglect of expected or required action" and many different words related to not achieving the success that you wished for.

But "What does it really mean" ?

 According to me failure is just the ending of the past and the rise of the new era or future and if one thinks it is the end of the world the chapter ends right then and there whereas if one starts it as the beginning of the new chapter the chapter's start to unfold about there new journey. But being a super achiever or at the top of the world like  Dwayne Johnson " The Rock " or Bill gates are only achievers. 

I think it does not because a " real achiever"  are those people who rise when all people believe he is a failure. Remember when you failed in your class  test at school but passed at the Final exam when it matter the most remember when you failed at to qualify for the school team and the next year you made it. Those little thing's that you achieved are the true sign of winner where you forgot the past and carried yourself and looked forward. 

How does failing feels ?

 Failing feels like hell, the end of the world but you should realize that if you put an end to it then it feels far more worse. While on the other hand, if you start to begin your new journey with no look on the back and focus on the future you feel more free from the cage that tied you from the lack of success.

Failure what does it really mean ?

  What is Failure? When we search in Dictionary Failure means " lack of success" or "the neglect of expected or required acti...